Friday, September 19, 2014

VACATION...Like The Movie, But For Real!

This is it, today is the day my good friend and I embark on a journey into the semi-unknown.  I'm so goddamn excited, except I feel like I'm coming down with something so I've been eating Airborne tablets at about 5 times the recommended dose per day.  I think I'm either keeping it at bay or have somehow managed to get high off Vitamin C; whatever the case, in a few hours I'm getting in my Jeep with my buddy Gary and hitting the road for the next day or so.

Again we have no plans, just a time frame of when we gotta be back to resume the rat race, and we think this is the best way to do it.  If anyone reading this knows one or both of us, people tend to take a liking to us.  I don't know why, maybe it's our personalities, maybe we come off as ultra sexy, maybe its our "fuck it, lets do it" attitude, but one thing is for sure, we have a penchant for meeting people and getting into things and every time we do something its ALWAYS and adventure.  We also tend to attract a lot of weird or borderline insane people, so we agreed if we hear banjos in the woods at any point in our trip we are high tailing it the fuck out of wherever we are.  That being said, any post on here within the next week (if I can get to a computer, if not no worries I'm bringing a journal so I don't forget anything and you all will get a full debriefing upon return) will be details of our grand adventure.

When I think about this trip I think about one of my favorite movie franchises of all time, the National Lampoons Vacation series.  I laughed my ass off watching and re-watching every single movie (admittedly not so much Vegas Vacation) and I fancy myself an amateur Clark Griswald, in fact this is going to be my mantra for the trip:

Barring any Marty Moose type bullshit or dying aunts (and I would totally strap her ass to the roof) this trip is indeed A QUEST FOR FUN.  I need this vacation more now than ever with the things going on in my life at the moment and even if its a semi-disaster like all their vacations were in the movies, it'll still be awesome.  Going on this trip with a cant lose attitude is only assuring that the quest will be successful.

I'm still trying to pack and finish up at work so I have to cut this short.  But I will leave you with a quote from the ultimate road trip movie, a quote I feel hits home and stresses the point of both morality of the human spirit, and a will to make the most out of any situation.  Enjoy, and talk to you peeps soon.

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