Monday, September 15, 2014

Oh Yeah I Have A Blog...

Hey everyone, I'm sure you're all relieved to know I'm not dead, just inconsistent with keeping up this blog I suppose.  Well I'm back...for now.  I'd like to tell you all I've been busy exploring the world, or finding myself, maybe even working undercover for a top secret agency; but that's not the case.  I've just been working my ass off and having one of the most stressful years of the 27 I've been walking this planet.  Sparing all the gory details, lets just say I find myself in a position to reconnect with some things I lost touch with since the start of the year and a weeks paid vacation coming my way I think I earned ten fold.

So I am not here to bitch and moan, because what has complaining ever got anyone.  I actually figured I would cover my upcoming adventure (more on that in a bit) in my own special way on here and hopefully entertain some of you people with my musings as well.

I called this blog "Sarcasms and Silver Linings" because my intention was to write both funny and inspirational posts as well as use this as a platform to do one of the things I love, which is write (duh).  Up until now, it has been mainly sarcasm with a small touch of silver lining.  With this entry I would like to up the ante on the latter.

As I said earlier, this year has been one mother and a half, yet I'm still standing.  I'm slowly but surely screwing my head back on straight and getting things done that I've put off for a while (including this blog).  The way I see it, when push comes to shove you can do two things.  You can sit and wallow in self pity or loathing, obsess about things that are out of your control and make it worse on yourself by being miserable, and thereby attracting other miserable people (misery loving company and all). Ooooor, you can accept what is at the moment and get the fuck up and do something that doesn't involve any of that pity party bullshit.  Self improve, self improve, self improve.  In any way you think or want.  Feel better about yourself and everything, in turn, will be better.  I'm not trying to be some Tony Robbins knock off (I mean feel free to make donations if my words of wisdom are helping) but seriously, do something that makes you feel good, get out of the mindset of the world coming to an end and smile, even if you have to force it, you'll feel better, trust me.

Attitude is everything.  It's a cliche phrase, honestly I'm actually sick of hearing it and can't believe I'm saying it, but hey, the shit is true.  Part of my screwing my head on straight has been a large part attitude and a large part determination to not feel like crap.  I've been walking at night on the local bike trail and eating a lot better (lost some weight, bringing sexy back).  I bought a guitar last year, its been a dust collector since then, so I picked it up last week and have been playing every night a little.  And you know what?  I fucking suck at it but I like doing it so I'm gonna keep doing it.  Every once in a while I convince myself that I played a chord from a Nirvana song and since no ones there to dispute that fact, that's exactly what I did.  I've also been reading some books I had lying around, getting in touch with old friends, throwing out old clothes; all these little things add up to big relief and a better overall outlook in any situation.  But now for the coup de grace on my stressful year: THE ADVENTURE!

I will briefly describe this adventure now, as I plan on writing extensively about it in the near future.  I, as some of you may know, am from the state of New York.  This Friday after work, my best bud and I will be embarking on a journey to the state of Colorado...FOR A WEEK!  This is not a normal vacation, we are not planning shit.  We know when were leaving and when we have to be back, everything in between is a toss up, hence the adventure.  Why, do you ask?  Did Louis and Clark have Sacagawea check out the hotels on the other side of the country before their trek: NO.  Did Megellan watch the weather channel before he sailed across the ocean: NO.  Did Neil Armstrong land on the goddamn Moon with an itinerary of all the cool local sites:, well maybe he had some idea because of telescopes, but you see where I'm going with this.  We're packing some clothes and toiletries and arming ourselves with a tent and our mega awesomeness and driving through the night into the great unknown (at least to us).

This may very well lead to something bigger down the road but as for now I just want to document what happens on this trip.  There will be pictures and stories and lots of fun stuff, I'm sure of it because my friend and I always seem to find our way into and out of interesting situations.

I apologize for the disjointedness of this post as I'm writing this with a mix of excitement and trying to bounce back after everything that's been this year so far.  I'll try and be more organized in future posts (and yes there will be future posts this time, I promise).  I would like to end this post with a quote from a song by the New Age artist Enya.  A quote in which I feel encompasses the theme of getting through the tough times and back on your feet.  I'm quoting from memory so forgive any mistakes.  I believe it goes:

"Who can say where the road goes/ something something/ only fucking time so stop crying and get off your ass and make a difference in your life because no ones gonna do it for you so make the time count"

Thank you, and goodnight...

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